Is Your Body Not
Performing Like It
Used To?
CALL (866) 782 - 0030

Check your symptoms.
Take the quiz.

Are you experiencing symptoms such as:

  • Low sex drive
  • Fatigue / lack of energy
  • Mood changes
  • Trouble maintaining an erection
  • Insomnia
  • Weight gain
  • Memory loss
  • Hair loss

Take the quiz and find out how
BodyLogicMD may be able to help.*

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1. Do you have a decrease in sex drive?
2. Do you have a lack of energy?
3. Do you have a decrease in strength and/or endurance?
4. Have you lost height?
5. Have you noticed a decreased enjoyment of life?
6. Are you sad and/or grumpy?
7. Are your erections less strong?
8. Has it been more difficult to maintain your erection throughout intercourse?
9. Are you falling asleep after dinner?
10. Has your work performance deteriorated recently?

If you answered yes to three or more of the above, you may be suffering from hormonal imbalances. A diagnosis is best determined by measuring estrogen and testosterone levels in your body with a simple, easy test that you can do in the comfort of your own home.

*Must be at least 18 years old with no history of cancer, AIDS, or HIV to qualify for the plans and services offered.

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about any of our products or services.